
GCMA North West

In a much welcomed move to improve Safeguarding in Golf Clubs it seems increasingly likely in the near future that England Golf will make it a condition of affiliation for golf clubs that they have achieved “SafeGolf” in order to ensure that clubs have robust policies and procedures in place for dealing with Safeguarding issues relating to young people (under 18) and vulnerable adults.

SafeGolf is basically the safeguarding and welfare section of the policies and procedure a club has to have in place to achieve England Golf’s  “GolfMark” accreditation.  Any club that has golf mark has already achieved “SafeGolf”, and will not be required to do any additional work and will automatically be accredited.
If you don’t already have the required systems in place to qualify for SafeGolf, then the LUGC is keen to assist you to get there.

Two flow charts have been produced one on how to set up Safeguarding in your club (LUGC) and one on how to raise a concern.(EGU)(attached to this email)

The England Golf website is now much improved and all the templates you require for safeguarding policies and reporting forms can now be downloaded from their Safeguarding pages.

The majority of the required information is under the “Club Welfare Officers” page.

If you have any queries I can be contacted at

How to Setup Safeguarding Procedures at your club

Reporting Procedure

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